mardi 1 octobre 2013

What's Tresbizz ?

TresBizz has been established in 2012 in the Netherlands after doing wide analysis in the market. Traders can do very easy new client generation with help of this platform. Note: it is client generation and not lead generation. Lead generation will be done by TresBizz and the conversion will be hand-over to the supplier after some deductions in the turnover.

TresBizz is an online active platform a so called virtual marketspace where entrepreneurs offer extra attractive deals for Business to Business buyers.
TresBizz searches for the efficient products & services and arranges discounts for a new customer can benefit from at approximately 20% discount above the general prices in the market ! 

Policy of TresBizz is to offer only the quality products and services, TressBizz perfoms own validation procedure before placing the product offer.
This platform is mainly for B2B market who is considering to buy licenses, service coupons and products for all kind needs in a company.
For suppliers to generate without too much effort new valuable clients. After the 1st deal via the platform, they have to develop a business relation with the new client for future business with each other.
For buyers, to buy easy validated suppliers and products with introduction discount and short duration introduction contracts.

1 commentaire:

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